Organize thousands of documents in an instant

Realize-365 is built for speed and accuracy

Realize-365 PDF Health Score by File
  • Upload medical records with up to 50% greater accuracy and speed

  • PDF Health Scores identify any low-quality scans instantly

Smart search—say goodbye to Control F

Include synonyms and like phrases to keyword search results

  • Advanced OCR search on all document types

  • Search terms highlighted throughout documents

  • Preview Pane provides summary of keyword instances

  • Keywords in Preview Pane link to original documents

Search and link Google, PubMed and Medline Plus research to case files

Integrated research tools organize information on a single platform

  • This feature allows users to retrieve case related documents and research information from Internal and External sources using Keyword Search

AI Data Extraction Tool: Get Automated Case-Valuation Assessments in Minutes

Provide your team with the necessary technology to create increased efficiency of 50% on all case valuations.

  • This cutting-edge feature empowers users without medical backgrounds to efficiently discover variations of terms falling under the same category, such as “Medications.”

  • Instead of manually searching for commonly found non-prescription drugs like “Tylenol,” a single search for “Medications” in Realize-365 instantly reveals every medication mentioned in the record, whether it’s well-known like “Tylenol” or less familiar like “fentanyl.

  • With Realize-365, instances of “Medications” are automatically identified throughout the document, previewed in the side panel without requiring further instructions.

Take a sneak peek at the dashboard!

Get a magnified view of case statuses with tracking and metrics.

Take a peek into your dashboard...Realize-365 user dashboard.

Realize-365: one account, unlimited users

Host and manage multiple cases

  • Customize access and privileges for each case

  • Flag cases to manage workflow against deadlines

  • Create alerts with auto-OCR functionality

  • Track and analyze case status and metrics

Realize-365 users viewing medical records on dashboard.
Trusted by leading ALSPs, law firms and corporations: